未来的可持续发展需要道德采购等概念, 了解社会不平等, 选择负责任的库存材料, 管理消费,妥善处理废物和报废资产.



Explore the transformation from traditional green practices to a holistic ecosystem model in 生命科学, 目标是一个具有全球影响力的可持续未来.


在过去的30年里,生命科学行业的可持续性发展发生了重大变化. The earliest rollouts centered on energy savings and expanded to include broader topics such as the occupant experience and green building construction and operation.

然而, the historical (and current) approach has a major flaw in that it’s inward-looking for each organization, 关注那些主要影响他们自身能力的选择和行为. 为了解决这一缺陷,并使行业以领先的眼光向前发展, 下一步是开始关注外向型举措, 有效地从筒仓心态转变为一个集成的生态系统.

To understand why the ecosystem model is the logical next iteration of 可持续性 in 生命科学, 回顾该行业的可持续发展历史是有帮助的.

许多开创性的可持续发展工作, 比如LEED和ENERGYSTAR, 它们起源于20世纪90年代初吗. 当时, there was a growing social awareness and general advocacy for lessening the impact of business on the environment. 当然, the operational cost savings associated with decreased energy consumption were the significant driver for the industry’s willingness to embrace change.

Both the public and private sectors realized the opportunities to optimize the energy efficiency of buildings, 瞄准了建筑物最耗能的需求, 比如加热, 冷却和电气装置. 在一段时间内,这种方法为行业提供了良好的服务. New construction projects experienced energy cost savings when compared to equivalent legacy facilities. Renovations to older facilities also produced operational savings that offset the capital investment.

下一个演变发生在2010年代初, 当可持续性努力扩大到包括人类健康内容时. 下一阶段超越了建筑的系统和节能, 延伸到它的居民和用法. Efforts such as WELL and LEED v4 sought to be intentional about creating building spaces that contributed to healthier and happier employees.

架构师, 工程师, 建筑师开始考虑诸如日照等因素, 整个设施的运动, 消声及建筑材料. 有充分的证据表明,快乐和高效的员工有助于提高组织的生产力和效率, 最终, 它的底线. 从“建筑第一”到“居住者第一”的观念发生了转变.

朝着更全面的思考方向发展, 绿色建筑积极推进, 提高使用负责任材料和减少浪费的意识. The realities of climate change and global supply chain constraints drove innovation in areas such as adaptive reuse of materials and selection of alternative materials with less climate impact.

Thousands of 生命科学 organizations making intentional changes to their operations is objectively a positive outcome when aggregated; consider the energy saved, 通过这些集体努力,减少了排放,保存了材料. 然而,即使结合起来,这些集体行动也很难在全球范围内发挥作用. 研究表明,这些选择是有效的, 在最好的情况下, low-single-digit percentage reductions in key measurements like carbon emissions for an organization’s net operations.

碳排放, 可持续性努力的主要可衡量因素, 可以通过三个范围分类吗. 范围1是公司设施的直接排放, 哪一个, 令人惊讶的是, 平均不到其总碳足迹的2%. 范围二是能源生产和使用的间接排放.e.(发电厂). 取决于能源, 这个数字可以代表一个组织碳足迹的10%.

Scope 3 is the indirect emission from the entire value chain of an organization and is considered the holy grail of opportunity. 占组织碳足迹的85%以上, 范围3涵盖了公司影响的巨大生态系统,远远超出了设施的范围. 它包括与其业务有关的广泛要素, 包括商务旅行, 通勤, 办公用品, 它需要, 配送和运输. 它甚至涵盖了材料是如何生产、采购、利用和最终处置的.

Scope 3 emissions are the most overlooked and under-addressed aspects of the industry’s current 可持续性 efforts. 这一代的商业目标是由企业愿景驱动的, 监管要求和公众形象. 下一步需要道德采购等概念, 了解社会不平等, 选择负责任的库存材料, 管理消费,妥善处理废物和报废资产.

当然, 在全球层面改变生态系统需要合作伙伴的支持, 供应商和下游消费者. It reflects a fundamental shift from the old industry mindset of competition to one of collaborative effort. 改变工作方式可能会让人不舒服, 但该行业必须适应并发展到可持续实践的下一个水平. 尤其有影响力(也同样具有挑战性)的是消费者行为的转变.

Instilling and maintaining these transformative behaviors – and having leaders with the vision and patience to see them realized – will be vital to success. 生命科学产业, 虽然在科学发现方面经常是先驱, 在澳门足彩app务方面,它往往落后于其他行业. 这就是为什么有希望看到转变已经开始的迹象, with many organizations including bold ecosystem 可持续性 goals in their plans for 2024 and beyond.

The ecosystem approach has seen increasing support and has been widely embraced throughout the industry. It’s the topic of many key conference seminars and professional organization meetings and is even making its way into updated corporate mission statements. It’s exciting to not only watch this next evolution of 可持续性 but to participate as a leader as well.

澳门足彩app,我们将丰富的经验带到所有可持续发展项目中. 无论是新建设施, 一个小的装修或者介于两者之间, our team has a wealth of tools and knowledge to ensure a successful project outcome in achieving your 可持续性 goals. 请 澳门足彩app 让我们知道我们可以如何为您服务,并帮助您的组织领导行业的努力!

作者简介: 迈克尔·亚设 是哈斯克尔生命科学部的运营总监. He is a credentialed Project Management Professional (PMP) from the Project Management Institute (PMI) and a Certified Project Manager (CPM) from the Project Management Leadership Group (PMLG). 他持有St . Washington University的化学工程学士学位. 路易斯,密苏里州.

澳门足彩app每年在架构方面的投入为20亿美元, 工程, 建设 (AEC) and 咨询 solutions to assure certainty of outcome for complex capital projects worldwide. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, 单一来源的设计建造和EPC公司拥有超过2,高度专业化, 内部设计, 工业和商业市场的建筑和管理专业人员. 在全球拥有20多个办公地点, 澳门足彩app是全球和新兴客户值得信赖的合作伙伴.

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